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May 19, 2021

Boston Bruins-Washington Capitals Tied At One Game Apiece

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On this episode of Missing the Point: We discuss the Boston Bruins and Washington Capitals through the first two games of the First Round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, 

How far the Bruins late-season momentum can carry them, and if the B's can trust Tuukka Rask to finally win them the playoffs Series

Hosts: Joe Malkin, Bob Kelly, Michael Marcangelo

Producer: Craig D'Alessandro

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Craig D'Alessandro:

On this episode of missing the point we'll discuss the Bruins through the first two games of the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, I'll find the Bruins ever season momentum can carry them and that the bees can trust Tuukka Rask to finally win them the playoffs Series This i missing the point, Episode 60 But it's all relative

Joe Malkin:

Welcome into missing the point My name is Joe Malkin. I'm joined tonight by Mike Mark hands well, Bob Kelly and of course our executive producer Craig D'Alessandro. And we are here to talk to you guys tonight about a little Bruins hockey the team in Boston that is doing Can we say second best right now or would they be third behind the revolution, but nonetheless the Bruins are in the playoffs and they're taking on the Washington Capitals and the series after two games is tied at one one to one and this was definitely an episode we wanted to get out almost before him and now we get some games to react to here and guys it's been two interesting games to say the least. Game two was one on a Brad Marchand overtime goal 39 seconds into the overtime period and I think we need to start with the big elephant in the room because this series very well could be to 2-0 in favor the Bruins. Of course Washington's a little bit bigger, they're a little bit stronger, but the Bruins are probably more skilled but the elephant in the room Mike is the goalie are starting here. So we're gonna start here and there's a reason why I want to start here I want to work from worst to best kind of but with tuukka rask you have Jeremy Swayman the the rookie out of the University of Maine on the bench who has played phenomenal during the regular season. We all know that Tuukka becomes Tuukka in the playoffs. And would you say at this point he is already playoff Tuukka

Michael Marcangelo:

Do you want to start with me because I don't know how long I'm going to go or should we go no

Joe Malkin:

no I want to start with you because I want you to go because I feel like we're gonna not only get some good points here but we're gonna have a lot of good talking points out of this.

Michael Marcangelo:

All right, Craig, I'm glad that you hit record like to this is Tuukka playoff playoff Tuukka. Whatever the hell you want to call it. Yes, we are. We are now two games in right. We are we are we see a situation where he's not losing you a game . Sure. Get it? He's not the reason you lose. But you want to know what else he isn't. He's not the reason you win. He's not single handedly winning you again. I get it deflections not completely his fault. But is it too much to ask for him just to make one outrageous stop and save the game there? Because in reality, right now, two games in tuukka rask has stopped 65 of 71 shots for 915. Save percentage. Craig Anderson, a guy who has not started, who played us, what, four years ago with Ottawa 40 years old journeymen not a great goalie has this as a 929 say percentage who gets paid more Tuukka. So we I fundamentally believe that the Boston Bruins live and die by how to cook performs. The problem is, I don't think Tuukka believes that either. I think he buys in I think as long as he just goes out there. He doesn't make a catastrophic mistake, that it's fine that he won't have any of the limelight. But we need him to do something. Extraordinary. Right. We need him to stand on his head. And so far he hasn't so yeah, this is Tuukka. I mean, good for him. He hasn't gone home to play golf yet. I commend him on that. But like Could you just save us a game, please?

Joe Malkin:

I want to poke one hole into what you said there about the difference between him and Craig Anderson. They both made 65 saves the differences that took his face 71 shots and Craig Anderson his face 70

Michael Marcangelo:

Yeah, I'm aware I didn't use it because it didn't fit what I was saying.

Joe Malkin:

I know that's why I'm using it against you. And I'm going to argue a point that I don't think you even start Jeremy Swayman in game three, and I think you stick with it.

Michael Marcangelo:

Yeah, of course you stick with Tuukka. Of course you give him the chance to go out and earn the money that you've been paying him. Maybe this is the year that he decides maybe game three is again that he decides You know what? I'm sick and tired of having this label of we wish he was more like Thomas

Joe Malkin:

Yeah, but is he gonna put he's not going to do that. Like

Rob Kelly:

he's never gonna be that guy. Yeah, that's the thing is like, we know we've seen Tuukka questions before Thomas was even in town. It's the same Tuukka we know who took it is it doesn't surprise me anymore. Yes, I still my god dammit Tuukka but it still doesn't surprise me that he makes these amazing saves those deflections and whenever there's trafficking that is his kryptonite man. And there's something about it where if he can't get that puck right off the stick More often than not that pucks going in, and it is frustrating at times, but at the same time, it's like, okay, so I know we pay him to be that top level goalie, which is why I think after this year, we don't see him in Boston anymore. I think Swayman does come in and take this job moving forward. But for the time being, what frustrates me is the Bruins don't play the type of hockey that they know Tuukka is going to succeed in sometimes. And that's getting rid of those pucks in front of the net, not letting those defensive breakouts because that's when Tuukka good gives up those easy goals like Tuukka is always going to be there to make those crazy go across the crease saves with this deck and make these crazy gloves saves. But it's those deflections and easy goals that he lets it and it's just frustrating to me that time and time again, this defense lets it happen.

Joe Malkin:

That's part of the criticism of of Tuukka Rask is that he's too much of butterfly style goaltender which has been a problem because most goalies are butterfly style goalies now, and one criticism I was reading about today of Tuukka is that his back is still not 100%. So he's having a tough time getting to the ice. So you have a butterfly goaltender that can't get into the butterfly position.

Michael Marcangelo:

There it is. Okay. But again, I really like a bag is a weird injury. Anyone who's had back problems like you know it right, I get it. But here we are another postseason where we're talking about another injury for Tuukka. I mean, last year, again, he left he had his reasons I get it, it looks bad. I will always hold it against him for what he did when he returned to Boston as opposed to leaving for Boston. But we've seen other playoff other playoff runs when he has cramps, right can make a start. So it's always so that

Rob Kelly:

was that was the one that killed me. It's

Michael Marcangelo:

always something with him. Like to your point, Bobby, yeah. If the defenders let someone behind them, we all know his fans. And instantly, it's a goal. Right? Just you can count on that just as much as you can count on the fact that Oh, it's playoff time, something will be bothering Tuukka. And it will be something that we that they can use in their narrative, because I'm not the only one that has won at the end of the postseason, that says, Well, yeah, well, you know, his back was 100%. Well, what is it that stopped paying him $8 million a year like that? Stop, please.

Joe Malkin:

So he I mean, we have to agree that he's a world class goaltender. I mean, because he doesn't show up in the playoffs doesn't mean he's not a world class goaltender. And we were going back and forth on this because, Mike, where you started this segment with how much he's turning into Tuukka. And then you said, Well, we got to give him a shot to earn that money. Well, now it's back to but what what reason Has he given the city of Boston and the front office to he putting him out there? The fact that he's a world class goaltender really is the simple answer, right? But then the next thing I would say is all these people that are calling for Swayman, that want swimming in goal for game three, Well, okay, swimming has been great. He's been phenomenal. And there's a reason why Jeremy Swayman became the backup goaltender for the Boston Bruins in the playoffs, and it's because of Tuukka Rask'sHal injuries and Jaroslav Halak's bout with COVID. And that's when Dan Vladar and Jeremy Swayman took over and you're looking at a rookie I when you have this type of situation sports, I always equated back to the movie for love of the game when Billy chapel's throwing a perfect game in the ninth inning, two outs, and the New York Yankees sent up the rookie. Well, why do you send up the rookie because he's got nothing to lose. He's not thinking about anything. All he's thinking about is going up there and putting the ball in play. And it's the same thing with Jeremy swayman. That's for the regular season. When you put in between the pipes and the postseason. How do we know what he's going to give you? is better than Tuukka Rask

Michael Marcangelo:

by bad I don't want to speak for you. But I don't think either of us are calling for swimming to start right? I think.

Joe Malkin:

I'm not saying I'm not saying you guys, this is an attack on

Michael Marcangelo:

on this show. I think what I'm really just begging for what appears to be what it feels like is the 10th season in a row is for Tuukka to show some balls right in the playoffs. And the reason why I get baited into this and i said before on this very show that I don't care if the Bruins win every single regular season game, I still think Tuukka is going to do what he usually does in the playoffs. But after Swayman started and Tuukka came back he was pretty much lights out. It felt like he took to that right. He was like, This is my job. So a little of that onus was finally being put on him. But now again, don't get it twisted. It's not his fault that they lost either these two games, but he's also not the reason that you want them

Rob Kelly:

to Sarasota gopher Swayman swimming to his Joe. I completely agree that like Listen swimming stats in the regular season were absolutely lights out this dude had a 1.5 goals allowed against save percentage was 945 and he was seven three, like absolute lights. I'm pretty sure he had two shutouts this season so so absolutely lights out as a rookie goaltender. But you never know how rookie is going to react to the NHL playoffs it's the same thing in every single sport. The playoffs are a different speed. I do think if to to elaborate on what you just said, Mike. I do think if we ended up losing that game last night, which thank God we didn't I do think we see Swayman in he game three not even because of the tuca performance m re because of the energy tha I think it would have brought he team to have the roo ie goaltender in there I think it would have changed everyth ng about how they were playing ut winning that game you k ow definitely gave to another ni ht there's no way we say swimm ng again for no chan

Michael Marcangelo:

Like statistically I think what I'm saying to you I'm what the reason the arguments that I'm making, or like the gut right through the eyes of the gut, they're just what you've seen statistically, he gives you the best chance to win a game or none. And you don't want to run the risk of ruining a rookie too early on by putting them out there and having him go let's say Oh, in two or three in this series, right? Because that if that lingers, then you're really screwed. You don't have you don't have a plan for Tuukka I just think my biggest criticism as it as you know, right now, I think it holds true is he makes really bad like really hard saves look easy. He does give him the credit he does that. But he also makes really, really easy saves look hard and lets easy goals in five hole is I mean, it's it's just it's open season for him. oper net sticks,

Rob Kelly:

I get them every single time he cannot get that stick out there to save his life again.

Michael Marcangelo:

And again. I'm not a professional athlete, right? We all know that. So like, let's before we start coming at me for that just I'm aware. However, if you know that you have one tick one thing that is your kryptonite over the span of you know, this has been since the 2010 playoffs against Philly. Right the same things have been happening. Like fix it, just fix it, do something to improve your chances of that not happening again. And from where I from where I sit. He's just content being a guy who's on a team that wins as opposed to being the reason for that team winning.

Joe Malkin:

And we've seen that with a lot of keepers in the past. Right. Like there's a lot of tenders goaltenders. Patrick Wah Henrik Lundqvist Jonathan quick,

Michael Marcangelo:

he was an animal.

Joe Malkin:

Yeah, well, no. And that's why I'm bringing those names up. Because I mean, those are really all. Well, one of them, Jonathan quick will likely be a Hall of Fame goaltender but the other two guys are without a doubt the Hall of Famers. And Tuukka probably is as well. Looking at his numbers right now. I mean, the guy in the regular season is 306 163 and 66. And really his first full season wasn't until the 20 1314 season, but he was a member of the Bruins starting in 2007, which is amazing. I can't believe that it went that far back in the year that they won the Stanley Cup he went 11-14 and two in the regular season, so it was even under 500. Behind him. Thomas,

Michael Marcangelo:

do you remember what happened here before Joe?

Rob Kelly:

Yeah, he's the starter for the year before

Michael Marcangelo:

we were up three against the flyers. And then we lost that that series four to three after being up in game seven, three goals to none. Yeah, this is what we like, this is what he does this. So again, you're probably right. He's he'll probably be Hall of Famer, I get it. He's one of those statistical Hall of Famers. Right, that Bobby hates, that I sometimes argue for what I will say. He would be one he, he'd be iffy for me only because it's not like, so his stats are really good. And he was on a contending team. He's not like one of those goalies that posted really great stats, but could never get to the Stanley Cup. He's now been there twice.

Joe Malkin:

Sure. And it should be more when the teams had around them.

Rob Kelly:

He absolutely should at least have. He should have one cup that started going and there's no doubt about that. I mean, you look back at 2013


pretty well, pretty well.

Rob Kelly:

He played great in that series. We should have had one there. He also should have had one against Oxford. I mean that

Joe Malkin:

that was he caved. That was the point when the Blackhawks were on a roll though I couldn't stop that team.

Michael Marcangelo:

They were a dynasty like that. That was a huge dynasty of to your point Bobby right game seven home ice, I don't care. You you do extra humans as superhuman things to stop that puck from going in the net.

Rob Kelly:

He couldn't do it and the thing and the thing is, is what what bothers me Tuukka is like I don't want to turn this into a to absolute to K fest because listen, this man has done a lot like you guys know me. It's hard to get to a championship. It's hard to win a championship. He's been the starting goalie for a team that's been there twice. Okay. Yeah. But it does get to a point where like, Listen, this isn't the Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown argument though. You know what I mean? He's not 23 years old. Now. He's not a young dude, to get his who he is at this point. And I'm like, I completely agree. You on that point? And I think this is, I know we said this before, but this is the year for Tuukka to prove it because not only do we have his replacement in the wings, you know what I mean? If Tuukka leaves us to a cup this year, great, extend them, do whatever you got to do. If he doesn't, if we don't win it this year, and Tuukka does have a wet down getting there. And that's why we ended up getting knocked out because he gave up an easy goal and over time, whatever the case may be, that's gotta be it for him. It has to be. It has to be.

Joe Malkin:

Yeah, and I mean, you're absolutely right. Not only do you have Jeremy swayman waiting in the wings, you also have a young Dan Vladar, and I'm not saying that Jeremy swimmin or danford are, are to grasp, but at this point in time, let's bring it back to 2021. The 34 year old he turned 34 on March 10. Again, he is an elite goaltender, he is now one in one in the 2021 NHL playoffs. As Mike mentioned at the top of this segment, he's made 65 saves on 71 shots for 915 save percentage, and it has been the team around him that have kept these kept the Bruins in these two games. I mean, they've gone to overtime in game one and game two with Washington 1032. And overtime. In game one, that was a quick one in the overtime period as well. And as we mentioned, the Bruins won last night on a Brad Marchand and goal four to three. So moving beyond the goaltender. And I guess the final words on that is the same thing that Bobby said this isn't a Tuukka hate fest. We know the two is great, but he needs to prove it. Because there is a reason why, after Bobby mentioned the 2009 2010 season, the reason there is a reason why they went out and got Tim Thomas and Robin here to win because he wasn't ready. And now Tuukka has been in the same position multiple times. And Bobby, you're you hit the nail on the head. If you can't do it now. It's time to move on. And maybe it's not to Jeremy swayman. But it's time to move on.

Michael Marcangelo:

Yeah, I think what's the most damning about this right? Or what highlights it the most whatever you however you want to frame it is you can make the argument that he's the reason why in the last couple of years that you've been the President's Trophy winner. He elevates you to such an extent in the regular season that it makes you it lets you know that he can do it. He has an enum but he just for whatever reason. In the playoffs, he just can't. So now's the time to change it. And you know, it might sound like a hate him. I think if there was ever a year, this is the year that he changes it because as you both have mentioned, there is a replacement there. Like Like there has been never before, right? So there's a young replacement there who costs a little bit less, they can you know, the front office can invest elsewhere on the team and start him. And again, now's the time to prove it.

Rob Kelly:

And we've seen the Bruins right now are in the mindset of turning this over to a new young group of promising rookies young guys. We saw it was a day No, he's out. They turn this entire defense over, we saw a crew like the Bruins aren't going to be the team that's going to throw a contract extension at rask. Just because he's took a risk and because he's been here forever. Listen, they don't care, they will bring that rookie goalie in. So just to keep reiterating This is it for Tuukka if he doesn't do it now, he's not going to do

Joe Malkin:

and what's great is that they do have that Bobby they've turned over the defense they made a trade and gave basically they basically gave up a bag of pucks to Taylor Hall, which has been a great signing, but I can tell you why he's on a not on the positive side of the performances for me as we move on here. But yeah, no, I mean, and we are gonna move on to that because the core that is still around, you know, it's interesting to look to look at this roster. I feel like Jake, Debrusk has been around for a decade. And he's only 24. Right? Yeah, but you know, looking around this roster, two games into the 2021 NHL Stanley Cup playoffs, Bruins and capitals. Of course, they've now met three times in a row they met last Tuesday where the or Wednesday and the Bruins fell to them in the season finale. Of course, they were resting everyone and then lost the first game of the series. But now they've tied it back up we expect to grasp to start the game on May 19. And looking at this roster of Mike, who have been your top performers for the Bruins so far in this first series,

Michael Marcangelo:

I think you know, so you would be you have to say Jake Debrusk, right? I think just in the mirror for the mere fact that you know he's two goals. Two points is a positive plus minus. I think having Taylor Hall, Taylor on your team. Just him being there. He's a positive and I understand He, there are some things that he could do a little bit better. But he gives you a little bit of an offensive threat that you have not had in so long. And he's not afraid to get dirty. I mean, he tied the game with just over like, I think two minutes and 49 seconds left and regulation, because he was in the right spot, and he did the right things. I also think this is gonna sound weird. marshawn right. What he did last night. Now, if you in real time, when you look at him punching the guy in the nuts as man like, this is just stupid. It's so stupid. You can't do that. You can't do

Joe Malkin:

it. Mike, you're talking about the guy that was licking people's faces two years ago. Yeah,

Michael Marcangelo:

like your thing. Okay. And here's that guy again. Here's that guy that you know, you barely love

Joe Malkin:

that guy, though.

Michael Marcangelo:

Kinda. But last night, it felt like he did what he did to get his team back involved, because he knew that Tuukka was under siege, that the capitals for the second game in a row came out firing. And the Bruins were kind of flat, which is odd, you know, it was what tied to to at the end of the first it's hard to say, you know, after the fact that they were flat, but they were. So he did the things that he needed to do in order to instigate and to get his people fired up. And that won't show up on a stat line. But I think for that reason that he's in the positives,

Joe Malkin:

that that game literally had the ability, the game to be a like 15 Gold thriller. And I think that's where you're absolutely right, Mike and Marsha and being on close to the top of the list. Of course. debrusk Nick Ritchie has had a great series so far Grizzly and pasternack. If you look at the whole roster, even though it's one one, there's only two offensive players on the Bruins right now that don't have a point, either a goal or an assist. And that's Sean Kuraly and Chris Wagner. And Chris Wagner is only playing nine, nine and a half minutes a game and Sean Kuraly only playing 11 minutes a game in the first two games of the series, which of course, I look at the other side of the ice and 43 year old Dino Chara still playing 16 minutes a night in the playoffs, which we'll get to but for me, I agree with the Marchand. I mean, I think in a situation like that, Mike, where you need to it's like a manager getting himself thrown out of a playoff game in baseball. Yeah, it's like, I mean, I can't even pick out an NFL or an NBA equivalent, but that's basically what it is. It's getting your team fired up around you to take the focus off of someone else and if we're taking off the the focus off of to GM, I'm okay with that. And I think you too are as well. But it's Marchan and Mike you would written down version as well. I mean, I just think because he has to see on his chest you have to put him in that conversation. He's scored a goal he's playing 20 minutes a night, 90 minutes and 59 seconds to be on average. He's playing the second third third most minutes fourth most Yes. And that's what it means to be a Bruins captain and he's putting the team on his back and while at the same time allowing his teammates the Martians, the dobrusin to make their impact where needed

Rob Kelly:

even telecall in the press conference after the game, specifically, praise marshawn and his leadership here they he was saying, Listen, marshawn hasn't been showing up much on the stat sheet when you're watching, you know, he may not be doing everything that you think he should be doing in that moment. But specifically said it's not it's not all about goal scoring or scoring points. When he goes into a forecheck one on two comes out with the puck or if the demon hasn't any spins off quickly and settles the play down. Those are huge plays all said there's no staff for that, really. But we see that on the bench and we're able to galvanize and come together. So literally just Brad Marchand on being Brad Marchand stats and playmaker and an electric Miss aside, just him being that dirt dog getting down and dirty. Doing that extra making that extra pass doing the extra play brings this team together brings them to a new level. And you saw when Marchand scored that goal. There's not a better person on the team to score that game winning goal. This team was so fired up that it was Marchand that God that snipe. Yeah, you saw the Taylor Hall quote where he's like now It wasn't that big a deal. I've been lifting a marshawn doesn't weigh that much like it was just so perfect the way that it all went down to see him jumping in the halls arms like that. It's just the chemistry on the bench of this team is something that we haven't seen in a while. It's almost reminiscent of that 2011 year because we brought in those reinforcements that we haven't been able to bring in years past and these guys aren't just good, they're sick. They're playing on a different level, like all three of them. So it's awesome. I agree with

Michael Marcangelo:

what we saw last night. You know, in game two was that is a well timed marshawn right now isn't biting somebody's kissing somebody know that? He guts he was he knew that what was happening to him, you know, he took he was being liberties were being taken with him. So he sticks somebody in the nuts. They both got a penalty for that. Right? It also showed his teammates that Yeah, we're getting our asses kicked right now. But guess what, we're just gonna get back up and if we have to do that ugly thing to to level the playing field, we're gonna do it. And I think it was poetic that like, as you said, He's the guy that scored the goal because he, you could feel a shift after that, right? It wasn't a pretty game. by any stretch. I actually believe that the capitals beat the living hell out of us, the hits were close, but they really weren't. If you watched that, they were absolutely killing us. And Brad just knew what to do. So I think you need people on your team like that, to know when to kind of push the boundary to toe that line, but not cross it so far that you can't come back, right? Because I think even with the Vancouver series, and keep going back, there were points in time in Brad Marchand and history with the Bruins, where you can play as a fan, you say, Wow, he was wrong. If he wasn't on our team, and I would hate him last night, what he did you want that guy on your team at all times? He took a temper, he took the temperature of the room, and he knew exactly what he needed to do. And he did it

Joe Malkin:

was interesting. You mentioned the penalty. So he got penalised. And him and john Carlson of the Washington Capitals lead the series with four penalty minutes each. And you mentioned the physicality of this Washington Capitals team. And where you have those leaders you have the barrage Ron who is kind of the lead by example. And you have the you have the Martian who's the lead by doing something outside the box to get his team back into the game, you know, you got to look on that other side and really give them credit, give Washington credit for the team that they've put together because they're kind of an old timey hockey team, but when they're physical, they're big. They hit you hard. And that's got to be something that's going through Bruce Cassidy's mind when he's talking to his team, pre and post game is get through the seven game series. This is going to be the toughest team you're going to play in terms of physicality in this entire playoffs, you know, maybe the best team until you get to Tampa, because this is a very good team. And they have a great leader and Alex Ovechkin. But by the way, they have your former captain for the past 15 years. And they also have you know, one of the better USA hockey players of this generation. And that's TJ oshie. Yeah, so they have a very good team on the other side of the ice. But when you put these two teams back to back and you really put them on the same playing field or I use if you will, I think the Bruins have the upper hand and someone else I want to throw into the mix of this conversation is Charlie McAvoy, who I give I give Don Sweeney a lot of credit right now in this series just through two games. And I know it's early and sometimes I'm missing the point we have a habit of being a little too early to the game Bobby the Red Sox preseason shopping but when you look at what Charlie McAvoy has done in this series, he has an assist in two games, but he also has the highest plus minus among any player on the ice. Any player on this? Nobody. He's at plus three and there's a reason for that he's become a very good defenseman. And it's almost like not having Chara on the other side of the iPhone has been a good thing for Charlie McAvoy. He is played very well on the defensive end. And he has bailed out the offense and tuga on many occasions already in the series.

Michael Marcangelo:

You know, we were on them last year and we've been talking about char leaving for a couple of years, right. Maybe they held on a little bit too long. I think they did the right thing because they let McEvoy develop it to be the defenseman that he needed to be. So now in a playoff game or in a playoff or in a playoff series. You can be down it can be one one but you have a plus minus a three. He's always on the ice for the good stuff, and not a lot of bad stuff happens when he's out there. That's all you can ask for. Oh, and by the way, he's a pretty skilled Puck handler. And he's fast. So I think you know I think we owe a lot to the mentor that bigs he was to to McEvoy because I don't think he's a player that he is now if it had not been for is it no charge?

Joe Malkin:

No and he's playing 25 and a half minutes a game.

Rob Kelly:

And you think about how many defenders Do you see? So that whole game tying goal you know who was also right there, poking at that puck. McAvoy he was right there ready to poke?

Joe Malkin:

Can we talk about that goal for a second? Because it was there any doubt in anybody else's mind? That should have been called back? because of the amount of bodies in the crease? Are we just forgetting about that? And let me

Michael Marcangelo:

you don't you don't blow the whistle. It's not getting called back.

Joe Malkin:

Sure. Right. Right. They didn't want the whistle. They didn't go and review it. They called it a goal and that was

Michael Marcangelo:

what leads me to believe that's a real goal and that they shouldn't have been called back as you saw early in that game that they blew the whistle really early. There were there was a puck were too good did not have control. He did not cover it. Everyone could see it and they still blew it dead. So it tells me that they were inclined to blow it dead earlier. And someone got in their ear and said just kind of you know the playoffs come with the play.

Joe Malkin:

I wouldn't say that. That's fair. And that's how that that turned out. And Taylor Hall did a great job to put that puck in the net. And I mean, talk about that trade but Bobby, good.

Rob Kelly:

Now that's, that's so I'm gonna go right off of what you just said because that was one of my other guys is Taylor Hall just having him here is such a big difference on this team man. You know I put it in discord chat a few times the difference that he's had on David creatchi. The difference that he's had on Craig Smith, just the chances these guys are getting the amount of offense that we're generating is unbelievable. I want to go back and just shout out Mr. Cassidy for I can't guess Cassie Sweeney, Mr. Sweeney for making that trade, because that has to be one of the best deadlines we've had since 2011. Since we brought in Horton, Kelly and to a lesser extent Thomas cabriolet to this team. It's been it's been the same type of production that this team has with these three guys as the hall Smith. Riley was our and we got all these guys for a bucket of balls. And it just is such a good trade and turn this team into what we see right now into a team that listen, they got outplayed these past few nights, Oh, absolutely. Oh played, like 100%. And the fact that we're going back to Boston, one to one just shows the mindset that this team has right now, like we could have won both those games easily. And we got our asses kicked in both of them. So it's just a different mindset This team has. And you know, I go back Tuukka I hope that Tuukka doesn't end up being the one to kill it because I really like he won't, he won't be I love everything about this team, the lineup the way they've been flowing for the past few months. Like even in games a third down. I don't know if you guys remember this regular season game against buffalo. But we were down I think it was five to one going into the third period. And they came all the way back. They ended up losing six to four. But it was just unbelievable the fight that this team had. So I love the swagger This team has. And I think Taylor Hall is a big reason.

Michael Marcangelo:

There's no shame in losing. But there's I mean, there's a lot of shaming and not showing up Tuukka.

Joe Malkin:

So what's interesting about Taylor Hall is he's been in the NHL since 2010. He was drafted by Edmonds, and we all remember it because they everybody was talking about the Bruins trying to get this Taylor Hall kid out of Calgary, Alberta. And it's just interesting that they've had to wait 10 years, 11 years to finally get him on this team. And he's such an interesting personality. Because if you're listening to this podcast, you don't know the Bruins you don't know, Taylor Hall. Taylor Hall has kind of been he's kind of underperformed his entire career, except for the MVP season when he won the 2017 2018. So I think one of the big things with this kid is that everybody thought he was going to be the guy when he came into Edmonton. And Edmonton wasn't good enough at the time. And obviously, they had the first pick in the Draft. And he just never became the guy and he just kind of put it out in Edmonton, goes to New Jersey plays four seasons ends up in Arizona, then buffalo. And now he finds his way east to Boston. So he's kind of just been making his way south, and then East again. So with the way they acquired him, and the team that they already had here. There's no reason for Taylor hall to be the guy. And one thing that I was reading from one of our one of our one of our friends that we like to talk about from time to time on the show is Tony Maserati on 95, the sports hub was that he brought up that press conference, Bobby, that you brought up earlier, when they asked him about Martians goal. And, you know, Taylor says, I had a skate issue at the beginning of overtime, and I couldn't be out there. And I was just really happy to see Brad, score that goal early, get us out of it. And then, you know, he comes over and jumps on me. And then he had that quote, where he said, You know, I've been lifted and he doesn't weigh much. And it was just kind of a fun quote. But Tony Maserati brought up a good point. Because He also mentioned in that snippet, it felt like I had scored the goal. He was on the bench, and the team scores to win a playoff game and overtime, and they come over to the bench to celebrate as a team. And Marcia just finds the first guy and it's Taylor Hall. Yep. And he dives on him on the bench and now tell it to me and based on everything I've read, seen watched heard. That is Taylor Hall understanding that he does not need to be the guy. Yeah, I'm understanding that he is just part of this team. So but Bobby, you said it perfectly. That trade deadline, they went out and god guys they knew that they could get for nearly nothing. And pull it off. And every single one of them has been playing well here down down the stretch and it's worked out I think with a shorter season and the teams they've been playing. I think that's helped as well, but one guy you mentioned was Curtis Lazaro who in two games has an assessed one point, obviously. But on the season he played in 17 games had two goals, two assists. He was playing 12 minutes a night. Those are pretty good production numbers for a guy that's that's playing 12 minutes a night, 30 minutes a night. So, Bobby, I'm with you. I like this lineup from top to bottom offensively and defensively. And Prior to the season when everybody was up in arms that Zdeno Chara left, I think this is where I make an attack on the city of Boston and its fans. I think that this city holds on to guys too long, even if it's for the right reasons. And it's interesting, because we didn't see that when the angels let go approvals the other day. And he had been there for 10 years. different situation, much different situation. You didn't want him a cup. I understand. But I think Mike, you said it earlier in the show. I think the dino char leaving was one of the best things for McEvoy because it was time for that to happen. And who knows. I mean, Charlie's doing great with Washington, but he may have been. He may have held the Bruins back. I'll set

Michael Marcangelo:

it up. I mean, I will I won't go that far. I will say that. Based on what he signed for in Washington. That's why it's surprising that he wasn't here, right.

Joe Malkin:

790 from the phone.

Michael Marcangelo:

However, you know, it wasn't that he was asking for the world. I think that's it. I think that was a shock. But yeah, listen, he's not young man. And like his best days are far behind him. We get it. But it's good to have someone like that on your team that's been there. It's been it's been in the trenches in a deep playoff run. You know, we still have Bergeron Martian. And to some extent Tuco, right, he's been on the team. So like he can well, they can tap into it. He can just tap out. But, Bobby, you were gonna say something about Zeno?

Rob Kelly:

Yeah, so the thing was danno is I think the biggest problem is yes, for the production. We could have had him. I mean, for the money he got paid. Like, I guess I'm surprised we didn't at least offer that. Yeah. But the style of play doesn't fit the ways the data plays the game anymore. The way the Bruins are trying to play is get up and go. You know what I mean? Like we're beating teams to the puck, we're not just dumping Chase, let's beat the crap out of you go get the puck and force the pocket the net anymore. You know who's like that? The capitals. So that's why I think that you see z playing like he is because that style of play that they play, it reminds me of those old school Claude dump and chase teams, you know what I mean? Like they just dumped the puck in, they beat the crap out of you, they take it from you and they score. If that's not going to work, then they're going to fourth check the crap out of you try and beat the shit out of you take it from you score again. So it's just that same type of mindset that the capitals have is why I think you see z succeeding. I really do think, Jo to go back to your point that if z is on this team, we don't have that same giddy up because we'd still be trying to make the day No. Pizza day. Oh, you know what I mean? Like you saw in years past, he slowed this team down time and time again. That's why I do think it was time.

Joe Malkin:

Well, let's approach it a different way. Because I'm going to agree with you here. But I'm going to kind of appease Mike's take on it to where he fits the capitals game play better than he fits the Bruins game play. That makes sense. Yeah, the capitals. Again, big, strong physical, they don't need to be fast and I'm going to kill you with speed. But you know who's fast Boston fast and they can move the puck well, and the capitals are standing the way and that's that's where he fits in. So it's it has clearly been a great fit in Washington for as a dino and it's been a great move for the Bruins because they've moved on to what they need to move on to for the future. Now, speaking of moving on to what they want to move on to for the future in the offseason, the Boston Bruins brought in a guy by the name of Craig Smith, who I thought all thought was gonna be better than he's been. But as you all may have heard Mike moan and groan now, Mike, what is your problem with Mr. Smith?

Michael Marcangelo:

If I have to watch 60 more game minutes of Craig Smith, absolutely. fumbling the puck in the neutral zone and causing turnovers that do not need to happen and be and having some of and again, not a professional hockey player or athlete or anything, some of the worst stickhandling that I've seen in the last couple of years. I'm going to lose it because not only he doesn't Okay, he doesn't have enough offensive upside so far as a Bruin to warrant the amount of mistakes that he makes in the neutral zone for me. Right I just think if I have to watch that anymore, and that just goes to the greater point. He's not the only person neutral zone turnovers are a big problem for the Bruins, and it almost killed them last night. You saw on this In the second period, they just constantly could not get into the offensive zone. Why? Because it was Aaron passes. They weren't hustling. But the leader, the flagbearer of that movement that was happening last night, in my opinion was Craig Smith. So I'm out on him out, out out.

Joe Malkin:

Completely out on the third line center.

Rob Kelly:

I don't know. So well, he was he's technically the two second line center now, isn't it? Alright. second line way, right. But it doesn't matter. So the thing with Craig Smith before we're out on him, is he did have a really good regular season and I don't know what happened because you're right last night was the most frustrating hockey I've seen from him since he became a Bruin I don't know what the hell happened bad because you're right. He couldn't, he could not carry the puck through the neutral zone. And it's like, all season long. He was one of our best pop catadores and it's like to came over I was like, bro, we're gonna play together, right, let's, let's make this game over together. But now the other guy who's been driving me nuts. And he was until last night, honestly, was Charlie Coyle. Before that one play he made last night where he that wrap around? What was textbook that was amazing. That was one of the best wrap arounds I've seen since I played like NHL hockey in 1994. Like the video game for Super Nintendo, like that shit was perfect. But before that, man, he's been struggling. He was my guide that I was thinking about bringing up the entire time so far. In the playoffs. I think he's minus, I think he's like a minus two so far in the playoffs. He was driving me nuts. Until that goal last night. Hopefully, he redeemed himself. They actually ended up demoting them. I'm pretty sure down to the third line before last night, they put the brusque up on the two but I hope he steps it up going forward. He was my biggest disappointment going into last night without a doubt that and the fourth line,

Michael Marcangelo:

if you are in what was it, it was 13 games, or sorry, 54 games to the Bruins. 19 goals 32 or sorry, 13 goals 19 assists 32 points. It's pretty good offensive production. Right? You can not forget the fundamentals of the game that you play, or pay very well to play in game to have a series where you're being outplayed. You can't do it. And again, go back. It's now Wednesday. Go back and watch Monday's game. And you'll be as equally as frustrated as I was in real time just watching him in neutral zone, just lollygagging handing off pucks it was offensive was offensive for someone who's never never skated in a professional manner, or, or in an amateur manner. Can't do it. But I if I could, I wouldn't do that.

Joe Malkin:

When you look at a guy like Charlie Coyle, who's minus one, and has been demoted, he hasn't he's probably he's probably my guy, too. That's been the most disappointing because he hasn't completely lived up to the hype when he came into this growing steam. But I still where I know we've kind of been negative nancies on a few guys here tonight. Regardless, I think this team can take this series, it's going to go six or seven. They're coming back to Boston for to what I really want to see. And this will be the first and only mention of the state of the world. What I really want to see is them take this series and come back for game one of the second series with a full garden with a full garden May May 29 is when it opens back up and I'm not sure when the second series starts. But I know that game seven of this series against the capitals on May 27. So regardless of when that series starts, if the Bruins are there, they're gonna they're gonna play in front of a full garden.

Rob Kelly:

No crowd like a full TD Garden crowd man. There is no crowd like a full TD Garden

Joe Malkin:

crowd. Now there isn't especially for a Bruins game. A Celtics crowd is pretty good, but I wouldn't say that the Bruins crowd is probably currently the best in Boston.


Yeah, we're hockey town. We are akutan.

Joe Malkin:

And that's what happens when you're this far north. So guys, we're two games in it's one to one. They're coming back to Boston for game three and four, they'll head back to Washington for game five. And if necessary, Boston for game six and Washington for game seven. With the way these two games have gone. I know there's a couple of variables, especially with the goaltender. What do you guys think?

Michael Marcangelo:

Yeah, I would just argue that Tucker is not a variable. he's a he's a consistent he's a constant. You know, he you know what he's gonna do? What I will say, which is interesting readily. I didn't know this until I started doing a little research for this, the show is that we've now seen 11 consecutive ruins capitals playoff games decided by a single goal, six of those have gone into overtime. So there's not going to be a five, nothing three, nothing. This is all going to go you know, five, four, whatever it might be and You know, I think if we can sneak out if we can go back to Washington up three one, that's amazing, but I do see this. I see this series ending and seven. And I think that the Bruins match up very well against against the capitals I you know, conversely I think that the capitals are probably the hardest opponent aside from the defending Stanley Cup champion Tampa Bay Lightning for the Bruins but you know, if we can have a moment, the amplifi like it was last night where Martian takes the game in his own hands if the people can if the players if version on if Taylor Hall if God forbid, tukar asks, can read the moment and say, You know what, it's not happening. Right now we're gonna I'm gonna make it happen, then it could be over at six. I think we're gonna be talking about the series until May 27, I think but I do think that the Bruins win this, this and seven.

Joe Malkin:

So, Bobby, what do you think of this series? Yeah, I

Rob Kelly:

do think it's going seven. The most promising thing to me with the series so far is the fact that we have been outplayed both games, and it's one of the one we're going back to Boston tied up with a chance to really take control of this series. And if there's one thing about the Bruins in the playoffs that we've seen as they play their best hockey at home, and when they do play their best hockey in the playoffs. They don't just beat teams by one goal. They went four to one, they went five to one, when this team is firing, they absolutely dominated teams. Going back to Mike's point, I don't think that's what's going to happen in this series. I do think it's going to continue to stay close. But I think the Browns are taking this strictly because of the fact that listen, we have been outplayed. We haven't played our best hockey yet. Absolutely not like not even close to the best hockey that the Bruins are capable of. And we are and we're tied one one going back to Boston. So you know, I mean, we're going the right direction. I think this is over in six. I don't think it gets to seven. I think it's six.

Michael Marcangelo:

Just ask a question though Bobby, not to steal your job, Joe. But it can be argument be made that Washington has also not played their best hockey at

Rob Kelly:

either. But they've played their game. That's the thing is like we've been playing the capital game and trying to keep up with the capitals game of hockey. We haven't played our brand of hockey yet in this series. And the only time we've seen them play it was an overtime last night where we ended up in 39 seconds. So I agree that the capital haven't played their best hockey but they've been playing their hockey. And guess what?

Joe Malkin:

My guy I would say that the capitals are playing their best hockey because they won the Eastern Division.

Michael Marcangelo:

Currently, though, currently, I'm

Joe Malkin:

sure sure currently right now, I think the Bruins are being pretty consistent to how they were in the regular season to this point, which is why I think they're still build up where I think the capitals are. They might be on the downswing. I mean is that capitals team the way they're built? This is kind of a rhetorical question. Are they built to win a Stanley Cup this year? I don't think so. I don't think they're built for stamina. I think they're built for just brute force

Michael Marcangelo:

hockey's where dojo? Like you know it right. You and I conversation, like, it just takes one thing to happen. And then like, let's say what if Tampa gets eliminated? What if the road opens up, I could see a situation where like, I don't believe that the Bruins can win a Stanley Cup right now. So I hope that you save that I create one for when they do and you can use that against me. But I mean, if there was ever a season where if something if a team catches fire, you know, it feels like it's hard to bet against Ovechkin. It just


Yeah. Oh, without a doubt.

Rob Kelly:

That snapshot yesterday was, yeah, that was wild. I

Joe Malkin:

mean, he's probably still the best player in the NHL like single best player in the NHL.

Rob Kelly:

That's offensive player the other day. Oh, sure.

Michael Marcangelo:

He's the most feared How about that in a crunch time now because he knows that he's a champion.

Joe Malkin:

Right. And it took them a long time to get there. And he was always kind of that guy. He always was a pure score, as Bobby just alluded to, but one one other thing I want to point to is the fact that I know that these teams play each other a lot during the regular season. The way that the way that the season was formatted this year. They played a games against the capitals in the regular season and were for two and two. So they picked up 10 points against this capitals team that ended up finishing first in the East so I think it goes seven Mike, I'm with you and I think the Bruins take this and I think we're kind of being homers in that way. But I think after last night what we saw I think Bobby is absolutely right that they haven't played their best hockey yet. They're coming home for two and they there's probably no better team at home in the NHL, other than Boston and even with the amount of fans that are gonna be there, that place is gonna be rockin.

Michael Marcangelo:

This is the thing man like it like earlier in the early playoff series right? Everyone on the Bruins they tap into that extra gear they all do more than they actually can and there but they play better than they normally are to get them to Stanley Cup, and then when they need again, this is it sounds like a plan this, but then when they need their goaltender to do the same thing that he can't do it. So I will not be surprised if the Bruins get to the Stanley Cup if they win every series and seven, and then they get there and they're all gassed because they've done more than they've been more than anyone thought possible to get there and now, they're Silly Putty goalie just does what he always does. So, I think I don't think we're homers, though. I mean, I listen to out of the last what was it two is it two of the last seven years or two times in the last decade, the Bruins have been presidents, Cup Winners, President Trophy winners, they're a really good team. And Cassie is a really good coach and rask is a really good regular season goalie. Let's just see what happens. I think in the first few series like you always do, you see that the players in front of us do more than they are normally capable of to get into the next. And when they have to turn back and rely on him they can't. So that will be their downfall, again, is my prediction. I know it's glass half full. But

Joe Malkin:

Mike believes that toolkit needs to stand on his head, Marcia needs to start stick checking guys in the cup. And the young guys need to keep producing. And Bruce Cassidy needs to keep being the coach that he is. I think we'll get that. And I'm with you, Mike, I don't know if this is necessarily the team to win the Stanley Cup of there at least moving in the right direction. And that was very quick, because you know, coming off of last season where things kind of fell off the rails in the playoffs, they were playing very well. And then with the two canoes and everything else, so

Michael Marcangelo:

why did they fall off the rails to go back into that, but I think like if we just bought a ticket, you have your last word, I'll kind of throw this to you. What an interesting transition. It has been this season because for the first five games of the season, the Bruins could not score even strength they could not they were a terrible five on five offensive team. And now they're really good. So I credit to Cassidy and the entire squad for turning it around. And you know, for this game even happening because they played their asses off all season. They played above themselves. And I think I've been able to do it a couple more times.

Rob Kelly:

I do think that this team does have a chance and I'm going to go back to what Mike said a little bit earlier is the Bruins capitals have played all one goal games. Last eight, you said a lot of times eight times 11 times. Yeah. That goes towards the Bruins advantage in my opinion, this team that is a team that what it comes down to it and those one goal games they pull out, they find a way. They always get that late goal they always find a way to push it to overtime. Now regular season overtime is different. But how many times in the regular season? Did you see this team? get that extra point because they scored those two goals in the third? Yeah, they ended up losing but guess what they got to do overtime. Overtime in the playoffs is a whole different animal. I do see the Bruins making a run here. I really do. I think right now we're at plus 1100 for the Stanley Cup champions. And we are and I think that's like sixth or seventh in the league. I think league is sleeping on the Bruins. And I do think the Bruins really do have a chance to make a run here just like like we said because of this the makeup of this team. It really does remind me a lot of that 2011 team where it just feels like they're a hockey family.


They don't mean that.

Rob Kelly:

They don't have Tim Thomas, I know I get just a goaltender.

Michael Marcangelo:

They don't have a goaltender with balls. How about that? Like Nevermind.

Joe Malkin:

But we don't know that that's not true. We don't know that about Mike we don't know. Because swayman could and we haven't seen that. And what

Rob Kelly:

I hope though is that the rest of the team just has enough balls to get him through because in years past man data haven't had a supporting cast like they have right now. You know what I mean? Like, listen, I know Kevin was Kevin hater, Kevin Hayes is awesome or you know all these guys that would have tried to pick up in the past that were our trade acquisitions. person or not Taylor

Michael Marcangelo:

hall or oh my god like Mike Riley.

Rob Kelly:

They weren't you have Jeromy Gilliland was on the back nine. So it was Rick Nash like all these guys that we got that were supposed to be our new second wings, right wing Jamberry. Even him he was 15 when we got him. Granted, he's still playing hockey at a high level. But like it's a different team. This year, the makeup is different from top to bottom. So I really do think this team has a run in them. But like my keep saying it goes as far as to can take them. And I hope that the rescue team can overcome that Tuukka factor.

Michael Marcangelo:

This team might have a run as long as the goaltender doesn't get the runs. Good, Joe. Oh, boy.

Rob Kelly:

Oh, that was a good one. I liked that. That was a good.

Joe Malkin:

We're gonna end it there. We've talked about the Bruins to add length at this point. And you heard it here first, Bobby thinks they're gonna win the Stanley Cup. So after we've effectively ripped to grasp a new one, and hopefully he can stand on his head. We know he'll listen and he'll prove Mike wrong. And what's that?


He's a friend of the show. I love to

Joe Malkin:

talk to if we can say that everybody's a friend of the show. So well, we anyway, we hope everybody out there that is listening is doing well. And you know, again, I guess it's the second time I'll say it because it's an exciting time as the world is beginning to get back to normal and especially the Boston area. I know some other parts of the country have already reached this point but we are getting back to it and we're going to be back at 100% capacity at sporting events. Some of them we can't wait for, which is great for second and third rounds of the NHL playoffs and regular season baseball and be nice to see Fenway Park full again. All the pink cats in the stands. So there's my dig for the night Mike took his dogs at the two guy take my pink cat Red Sox fans. So for Mike Mark Angelo Bob Kelly, I'm Joe Malkin, your host eat our EP is Craig D'Alessandro, Craig. We hope you guys enjoyed it. We'll talk to you next time.